
Date: 6/17/2009
Angel Gabriel offers flowers to Mary, annunciation

And, anyway, don't you know roses are my favorite?!?! Continue Reading »

Cracked Up

Date: 6/2/2009
Statue of Mary, cracked, but repaired.

Great site! (As seen on Twitter from @OurLadyofGrace ;-)

It may not be very obvious, but this statue was very much "cracked up" when a one year old decided to "dance" with her.  The parents rushed into the room after hearing the noise, only to find Mary in three pieces on top of the little boy.

Moral of this story?  If you have kids, put your statues up higher! 

This is a statue of Our Lady of Grace as she appears on the Miraculous Medal. This medal, given to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830 by Mary herself, is a power-packed sacramental with a beautiful prayer on it:  "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

Oh, and kudos to the "plaster surgeon."

Pentecost Sunday

Date: 5/31/2009
Can I go sleeveless for Pentecost? Is hot today!

Feelin' abandoned? Holy Spirit to the rescue! Continue Reading »

I can haz cannonball?

Date: 5/26/2009
Mary the Ostra Brama - I can haz cannonball? Iz quite heavy.

Mary is now happy. She haz cannonball! Of course, she'd rather be holding Jesus... but that's besides the point. Thanks to all of you, readers and saint-submitters, we have collected the most prestigious Catholic blogging award since the ill-fated "Catholic Snipe Hunting" award!

That's right: LOLSaints is the winner of the "Best New Kid on the Block" category of the highly-acclaimed and much-ballyhooed 2009 Canonballs. Go and check out all the winners. Continue Reading »

The Saints R Takin' a Break!

Date: 5/23/2009
Saints R takin a rest

[UPDATE: We will be back up on Wednesday, May 27. Sorry for the delay!]

The saints are taking a break this Memorial Day weekend. They'll be resting up, preparing for the summer months. More specifically, the guy behind the screen here is taking pictures for priesthood ordinations this weekend... so, yeah; not much time for more LOLSaints until Monday.

Keep the images, coming, though, so we can jump right into the summer months with a new arsenal! (Also, we're anticipating the results of the most-prestigious 2009 Canonball Awards — we'd love a canonball to come crashing through here!).

Mary = Good Mom

Date: 5/11/2009
Joseph will you hand me a Pampers Please? Mary changing Jesus' diaper.

...and Joseph is a good Dad, too! Continue Reading »

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