Personal Space

You're in it!
Well, we're still in the Octave of Easter. And even though this scene is from an event which was remembered last week (the Judas' betrayal of the Lord), we can look back on it again this week, remembering especially the sadness Jesus must've felt at the fact that Judas felt his fate was sealed, and did what he did.
Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday—please remember to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in preparation! What ways are you celebrating Jesus' Divine Mercy? Jesus' great mercy extends to all those who seek it—so don't miss out!
This one is so funny to me because I work in a Level 4 school (one step above Juvenile Detention) and I am constantly reminding kids to get out of each other's personal space!
I think I will print it out and hang it on my wall (though it may get taken down quickly--they are not too hep on religion there)!
This is another of my favorites. Judas had nerve to betray God with a kiss!