Fishin 4 Headz

I gotz one!
I can do no justice to the story of "La Virgen de Guadalupe;" if you would like to find out more about the story of her miraculous appearances to Juan Diego, one of the early North American saints, please pick up a copy of Mother of the Americas,then read about the events, pray the novena, and experience the loving embrace of Our Blessed Mother!
If you haven't heard, there's a beautiful new shrine devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Wisconsin. The Church was just finished (and dedicated by Archbishop Raymond L. Burke!) this past summer. I've been to the Shrine twice; first before the Church's interior work was begun, and again eight months ago, a couple weeks after the dedication.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, ora pro nobis!
I've never seen this version before -- only the version with her praying hands and the baby Jesus peaking out underneath her robes. Does anyone know the story behind this picture?