Broken Neck

Date: 4/27/2009
Seriously mom, ur not holdin me rite - jesus with a broken neck.

I can haz unbroken neck?

I'm in seminary, and one of the schools I have class in has some very peculiar art hung on the wall.

I took a photo of this one today, which I like to call, "broken neck Jesus" for obvious reasons. I'm entirely confused as to the meaning behind this one (or any of them for that matter) but I always envisioned this caption on there.

[Ed: Thanks for the picture - anyone else think of a good caption for it? I'm thinking "what happened to teh iconz? iz messed up!"]

Picture not showing up -- just a little red x in a box in the upper left corner.

Blezt are dey dat don't c but b-leev?

That is quite odd... what do you see when you click the link below?

I wonder if anyone else is having this problem. Truly blessed are those that believe when they don't see!

I want to get down down mommy down down lemme down

Therese Z

I iz cn it juz fine.

Mommi, i iz playin!
This is the Virgen with the playing child.

this is an orthodox icon. jesus is probably squirming around in the blessed mother's arms, but the rigid style of orthodox art sometimes portrays the figures in some odd positions (i must say though, this is one of the more odd positions ive seen). given the primer stripes on this icon, im guessing its either just been painted or undergoing restoration.

This icon is the Mother of God Pelagonitissa. It is a variant of the Tenderness icon. The style apparently originated in the Pelagonia region of Macedonia.
The sad look on Mary's face is about knowing what suffering He will be going through. His neck does,indeed, look broken. I think it's supposed to be Christ playing in His mother's arms. It is reported to be a wonder-working icon, although I can't find any more info than that.
I have absolutely no idea why someone would begin to paint over this beautiful 1con!