Master iz Old... He Forgits
Date: 2/2/2009
Jeff Geerling We can't eat this!
The image above, if you can't tell, is an image of the nativity of Jesus; this is a crop of the top part of the whole image, which includes Mary and Joseph. It's an interesting way of depicting the Nativity, as Jesus is removed from Mary and Joseph, and is instead hanging out with some barn animals.
Definitely adding this site to my favorites...
I am silly for lolcats and loldogs, and I expect to be much sillier for lolsaints - what a concept!
@ MK and Therese Z - thanks! We'll add you to *our* favorites.
Ironically, we can eat this - we must. Maybe there's a deeper symbolism to Christ being placed in the manger.
Well, I would agree that the picture is perhaps suggesting something about Jesus' flesh being true food.... but for us, not dunkeys!!!
(Dunkey Jote!)