Spiritual Lessons

He talks too fast for me to write!
Saint Paul was a spiritual giant, and is considered to be the most prolific writer of the New Testament. But his writings likely paled in comparison to his presence and voice!
He travelled throughout much of the known world proclaiming Christ and teaching various people the ways of the Church. Just last month, at the Catholic New Media Celebration, FlockNote founder Matthew Warner posed the question: "Would Saint Paul Twitter?" I would say, most assuredly so!
Saint Paul was a pioneer in the use of letters to solve doctrinal errors, keep in touch with brothers, and send people updates as to where he was and what was going on. I would think this saint would have still have great penmanship, a Facebook account, a Twitter account (and a FlockNote account ;-), as well as the charisma to travel the world and be present to people wherever possible, were he alive today.
Let's try to use Saint Paul as an example for our own networking and evangelization—whether it be online, via letters, or face-to-face.
Will this be on test?
Therese Z