The Satan Smackdown

Date: 2/1/2009
Fine! Ur hair's NOT ugly - Saint Michael

Too late, buddy.

I hope you don't need an explanation of who the two characters in this painting are, if you're Christian in any sense of the word!

Saint Michael the Archangel is one of the three Archangels, specifically mentioned in the Bible, and is, by most scholarly opinions, the 'leading angel' (if Angels can be said to have leaders...?). He basically opens a can of you-know-what on Satan (who is a fallen angel), and that's what this picture is all about.

Michael is awesome for what he does:

  • Puts the smack-down on Satan.
  • Rescues souls of the faithful from Satan, especially at the hour of death (hence the St. Michael prayer!).
  • Is the champion of 'God's people' (i.e. the Jews, the Church, etc.)
  • Brings souls to judgement (not in a bad way, hopefully!).

Read more on this amazing archangel.

This angel looks like he took (or passed on) his breastpiece to Batman. (I think it was Val Kilmer who had nipples on the armor.)

It's definitely an interesting choice of armor! In the movie Gladiator, if I remember correctly, most of the gladiators used armor with nipples too...

"OKAY!... it's NOT a mullet."

LOL nice body armor - Sam