Judas Can Not Haz

Glow Ball Warmin'
Pictured above is one of many, many depictions of the Last Supper. During the Last Supper, Jesus gave his Apostles the gift of the Holy Eucharist ("This is my body; this is my blood"), and Judas left the Twelve to betray Jesus:
After [Judas] took the morsel, Satan entered him. So Jesus said to him, 'What you are going to do, do quickly.' None of those reclining at table realized why he said this to him. Some thought that since Judas kept the money bag, Jesus had told him, 'Buy what we need for the feast,' or to give something to the poor. So he took the morsel and left at once. And it was night. (Source: John 13:27-30)
Because of his betrayal, and the fact that Judas never repented and asked forgiveness (instead, he committed suicide), he is not bestowed with sainthood in the Church. So... u cannot haz halo!
Judas: Not the brightest head at the table.
Judas must have repented or else he wouldn't have taken his own life. I think he realized that he had really blown it. He thought the only way out of the mess was to take his own life. He hadn't really thought about forgiveness.
@ lina: And he did so after hearing Jesus talk about it so much, too. It's a very sad story, and one that is repeated quite often nowadays (unfortunately).
God sent Judas to fulfil Jesus' destiny. He is crucial - without him and the betrayal, no Christianity. Discuss.
@ Dean: Yes, but Judas still had free will, and could've chosen to not betray Jesus. Even without his betrayal, I would think that Jesus would've been killed in some other fashion.
@lolsaints: I agree. Scripture says that the religious authorities were already plotting to kill Jesus, so Judas was just a pawn in their plan.
@Lina: I agree too, Judas seemed very sorry for what he did. I think his main problem was that he he saw what he had done, and despaired, thinking that he could never be forgiven. He needed to see that Jesus still loved him and forgave him.
Peter denied Jesus, probably when Jesus needed him the most, and he ended up pope!
While Judas certainly had free will, we must realize what that actually means. Being that God exists outside of time, he knew that Judas would betray Jesus but didnt FORCE Judas to betray him. In the Gospels, it says that the Devil entered Juday, so perhaps God know that upon Jesus entering the world, the Devil would enter Judas and saw what would happen. So God didn't force anything to happen, he just know that it would it happen like it did.
Judas is officially the first Catholic to dash right out the door after receiving Communion.
So he took the morsel and left at once. And it was night.
@ Deus Vult: I guess that's why some churches have a sign on their door that says, "Judas left early, too!"
I was laughing quite hard when I read that!