Being BVM has its perks...

Date: 1/8/2010
Mary Pwns Physics

"The Assumption of Mary was the taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her life. The Roman Catholic Church teaches as dogma that Mary, 'having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.' This doctrine was dogmatically and infallibly defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950, in his Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus." (Thanks Wiki!)



(Seriously... this piece shows Mary surfin' on a slice of the moon! Luv it!!!)

You had me worried there. I was afraid you'd never come back and was about to add "Shane, come back!" to "All your saints are belong to us!"

I don't know what a BVM is, but yay for LOLS!! :D:D

BVM = Blessed Virgin Mary ;-)

Oopsies. :P I'm oblivious.

Where I grew up our cross town rival for High School athletics was Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary High School (and parish). This was shortened to OLBVM. Just to save time, you understand. :)