Liturgical Transit Fail
Random Prizes!
The time is nigh! Prepare yourselves for the announcement(s) of the winner(s)!
Pictured above is an image of the prize to be received by all the three top-five finishers who didn't get the first or second prize—these winners will be announced tomorrow morning (with #1/#2 to be announced later tomorrow). They have each won themselves an authentic, homegrown mousepad!
Feel like you got the shaft? Want a beautiful mousepad? Well, you can most definitely run over to the LOLSaints Zazzle store and buy one for yourself. Just be warned: you might be mesmerized by the sign of the tines!
Stay tuned... many updates to come in the next 24 hours!
So Many Saints... So Little Time
I can haz cannonball?
Mary is now happy. She haz cannonball! Of course, she'd rather be holding Jesus... but that's besides the point. Thanks to all of you, readers and saint-submitters, we have collected the most prestigious Catholic blogging award since the ill-fated "Catholic Snipe Hunting" award!
That's right: LOLSaints is the winner of the "Best New Kid on the Block" category of the highly-acclaimed and much-ballyhooed 2009 Canonballs. Go and check out all the winners. Continue Reading »