Two Announcements
LOLSaints will resume daily saint publishing as soon as the contest winners are announced (you still have time to vote!). Until then, please make sure you vote if you haven't already, and make sure you're keeping up with your prayers—don't lose touch with God!
Also coming soon is a spiritual fitness program, with the Saints as your instructors! Stay tuned; more to come!
Voting, Where art thou?
Some may be wondering... when does voting for the Submit a Saint contest begin? Well, it was supposed to have started today, but due to the fact that all of the LOLSaints website staff is on vacation right now and has had sporadic Internet access, the voting shall begin either tomorrow or Tuesday.
More details will follow... but, basically, you'll be able to simply cast a vote on which saint you like best, and those votes will play a very large part in which image wins "all the marbles" as it were... and an iPod Touch!
And don't forget, the Aquinas & More Catholic store has also donated a $50 gift card, which will be given to the second place winner. Then... a few other random prizes which are yet to be announced!
Coming back online...
Well, after a mighty-long pause (during which many little things were tidied up), the 'Saints are back in action! Check back tomorrow morning for the first saint in many days!
Remember: The contest ends on the 15th—you can enter as many entries as you'd like, so keep sending them in!
Contest Ending Soon...
The Saints are anxiously awaiting August 15th, when voting will begin on the top 5 contest entries. You still have plenty of time to find images and submit them to win an iPod Touch!
For the next few days, LOLSaints is going to be a little quiet, so why don't you spend some time looking through our Most Popular saints, or the Archives?
In the midst of our biggest contest ever, we've had a couple of mentions that are worth, well, mentioning, across the web:
- Musings from a Catholic Bookstore (the official blog of the company which has kindly donated a $50 gift card for this month's contest) informs us of the contest here on LOLSaints. The blog's worth a subscribe :-)
- In Between Sundays, a relatively new podcast for young adults hosted by Nick and Pat from SQPN, gives a shout out to LOLSaints' founder, Jeff Geerling, in Episode #9. The podcast is great—along with about a jillion other SQPN podcasts!
- The Hermeneutic of Continuity, an excellent blog on the continuity of the liturgy in light of Pope Benedict's writings and the 2nd Vatican Council, likes Saint Paul.
Haven't entered the contest yet? Go ahead and submit a saint...
The saints decided to reverse the sidebar columns a bit; most of the stuff that was on the left is on the right. And most of the stuff that was on the right was on the left.
It's partly an experiment, and partly to change things up. Mostly an experiment, though.
Also, be sure to submit your saint images—there's only a few weeks left until the end of our best contest yet!
Tomorrow, Tomorrow...
I've used that title for a blog post before. Ah well, the best never get old.
Check back in tomorrow morning around 7 or 8 a.m. You'll be quite pleased if you do so! It has something to do with the previous blog post.