Due to the lack of time and resources, LOLSaints will not have any new content for the forseeable future. We're locking the doors on the site and putting it on mothballs for a while. Everything that's here will remain, but nothing new will be posted.
It's been a great four years, and I thank you all for your submissions, comments, and support!
I highly recommend Catholic Memes and the Catholic Memes Facebook page as a new source of Catholic humor, lulz-style.
St. Ignatius: The Dragonborn?
I know, I know, people are already starting to get sick of this joke nowadays... Continue Reading »
A site after our own hearts
Check out Catholic Memes, a site after our own hearts!
They have a ton of funny Catholic memes to browse through, they're active on Facebook and Twitter, and they keep things pretty fresh (unlike, sadly, of late...). I caution you, though, that some posts require a healthy dose of sarcasm :)
Saint Trading Cards!
A friend just pointed out a new saint trading card company,, which offers packs of Saint trading cards that teach facts about a saint's life; when the saint lived, the feast day of the saint, the role of the saint in the Church's history, etc.
Give their website a look and see if you might want to add some Saint Cards to your trading card collection :)
I, Jeff Geerling, was not given any compensation or merchandise for writing this post. Just to be clear!